
Terms of Service

By registering on the Know Thy Food website as a shopper, you agree to the following Terms of Service:

1. Each order is a legally enforceable contract to pick up and pay for all items ordered. You are obligated to pay for the items you order that KTF vendors deliver to our pick-up site even if you do not pick them up unless they are delivered to you in unsatisfactory condition, ie damaged, spoiled, or broken.

2. You understand that Know Thy Food's online marketplace is not a retail operation, but a direct-to-consumer pre-order food buying service. KTF serves as an agent that connects you directly to local farmers, ranchers and artisanal food producers; and we act as an aggregator that compiles bulk orders of food directly from wholesale distributors. This means your orders are aggregated with other members' orders for the group to enjoy wholesale pricing on bulk lots of food. Once the food is in our group's custody, every member is personally responsible for the safety of the food. You acknowledge that you are personally assuming any and all food safety risks including risk assumed by consuming uninspected farm-direct products. You will indemnify and hold harmless Know Thy Food, its operators, and members of any ill effects of the consumption of foods bought in this manner.

3. When you order, you must pick up your items during the time specified for our pick-up site. This is part of our contract. You agree to stay informed of pick-up times and locations by subscribing to our newsletter or reading our website, and to pick up your orders in a timely manner. We have limited cold storage. Our pick up site does not have the ability to hold large numbers of orders past normal operating hours, especially if refrigerated or frozen items are involved. It is your responsibility to know when and where to pick up your order and the hours the pick-up site is staffed/open for KTF pick-ups. This information is on your invoice. A daily storage fee will be assessed if you leave your items past normal operating hours.

4. All orders must be paid before they leave the pickup site. Members may pay online by credit card or by EBT at pick up. All orders must be paid for before going home. Prompt payment is a condition of membership.

5. You understand items are marked up to help pay for our overhead. Any mark-up is factored into our prices as a certain percentage decided upon based on our operating expenses. The percentage may increase or decrease as required to cover our expenses.

6. You agree to be active and support KTF by helping out as you are able.

7. Contact KTF as soon as possible if you have an emergency happen on pick-up day. If you are unable to make it to the pick-up site in time, please call us. Our phone number is on your invoice. The earlier we know about a situation, the better we will be able to deal with it. You can also contact KTF before the weekly Order Cycle closes about making alternative pick-up arrangements. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to arrange something other than the specified hours, but this must be arranged before you turn in your order. An extra charge may be assessed.

8. When you pick up your order, make sure you get all the items you order. KTF staff will take the time to go over your invoice thoroughly to make sure you receive everything you order, or to provide you with information about any delivery delays for pre-order items or items with irregular delivery schedules. If an item is missing, KTF staff will make a note on our copy of your invoice, so your account can be properly credited. Deposits and items that require prepayment must be paid for in advance. All claims for missing/damaged items must be made at the pick-up site.

9. In the event of orders not picked up during normal or pre-arranged pick-up times, KTF staff will make one attempt to contact you about picking up your items. KTF staff will not make multiple attempts to contact you. You should contact us sooner rather than later about picking up. If an item spoils or loses quality because you did not pick it up promptly, you will still be expected to pay for it. Forgotten items may be donated after 24 hrs.

10. Should any issues arise, remember to treat the KTF staff, volunteers and fellow co-op members well. Our goal is to connect you to high quality food at a great value, and we require all our vendors to deliver market-grade products and to be in compliance with all local, state and federal laws. You understand that since our vendors do not use pesticides or herbicides, fruits and vegetables may not look "perfect," but are still perfectly edible. If you have an issue with a farm-direct order you have placed, bring it to our attention and we will help you resolve the issue directly with the producer in question. If you have an issue with KTF, bring it to the attention of the KTF General Manager by emailing

11. Please keep your contact information current on our records. We encourage you to list cell phone numbers on your membership, so we can contact you directly if there is a problem. By becoming a member, you agree to have your primary email address added to our mailing lists. These mailing lists will provide you with important information about the functioning of KTF, reminder emails about the Order Cycle and pick-up day, Producer Notes, and sales and specials. You can opt not to be on the mailing list, but initially your email address will be added.

12. For members approved as vendors, these Terms of Service include the Producer Procedures and Standards.